no press

Tell us what you do!

no press is a micro-press in Banff, Canada dedicated to the publication of concrete poetry, experimental poetry and prose. These small editions are handbound in a variety of forms as a means of getting out the news. no press, since 2005 (and following-up on housepress 1997-2004) has published 300+ editions of chapbooks, leaflets, broadsheets, pamphlets all in multiples of 50-100 copies. the author receives 1/2 of the copies and the remainder are sold in small quantities here and there.

How do you see the current state of visual, constraint-based, and other formally experimental poetry? 

I think that experimental poetry continues to be a place of exploration and boundary-breaking; voice, form and content continue to be explored as a means of pushing the envelope of who speaks, about what, and how. 

Why run a poetry press? What struggles do you face, but also what rewards are there?

for me, running a poetry press is a means of fostering and enjoying community -- this a chance to help writers reach an audience of readers and writers. a poetry press is a way for poets to explore the means of production (forms of printing, paper, binding, etc) and distribution (handing out, selling, etc) ... and it also develops writers' view of their own work - editing, designing, reading. this is a learning space.

What is the ultimate goal of no press? 

the press doesn’t have an ultimate goal, it's part of being a poet.