Stars Are Falling - Lucy Dawkins

Stars Are Falling - Lucy Dawkins


Stars Are Falling presents a sequence of short poems, each of which includes the word 'star' or its plural, and each of which, in addition, adheres to a more complex literary restriction. An array of constraints are employed throughout the book, showcasing the potential of the palindromic, the tautogrammatic, the lettristic and the lipogrammatic, via a series of both well- and little-known procedures.

“Lucy Dawkins writes a poetry of passion, wrapped up in reason and rules. Each poem here is a tiny star: orderly disorder, falling fast and burning brightly.” — Anthony Etherin

About the Author...

Lucy Dawkins is a model and experimental poetess. She tweets her poetry @lucykdawkins. She has had her poems published by Penteract Press and above/ground press. “Stars Are Falling” is her first book.

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