Triangles - Marian Christie

Triangles - Marian Christie


Black and White, Perfect-bound Paperback, 210 x 148mm, 40pp

Triangles presents a sequence of poems inspired by various types of triangle, presenting also an equally varied array of forms and constraints.

"Marian Christie’s poems use strict mathematical structures: Pythagoras’ Theorem, the tritina form, the Fano Plane, Pascal’s Triangle, Sierpinski’s fractal, the Fibonacci sequence, and more. The themes of the poems are timeless: nature’s magic and menace, love and its complexity, memories and the passage of time. The form and content of each poem intertwine and shimmer on the page with the beauty and precision of a spiderweb glinting in the sun." 

— Sarah Glaz

 "As light through a triangular prism paints a rainbow on the wall, the poems in Christie's Triangles glimmer through their smart and playful constraints. Using a compelling array of experiments, mathematical theory and vispo, Triangles proves the beauty of mathematics. In blending the visual and lyrical with the numerical, Christie finds art in science, science in art."

— Teo Eve

 "The geometrical structures are just a small facet of the beauty of these poems. The reader watches how the underlying mathematics unfurls and layers words and images that take your breath away, the forms opening many possibilities in the beautiful worlds Christie shares with us. A real tri-umph!"

— Kinneson Lalor

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