Mnemonic Trains - Laura Kerr & Nick Piombino

Mnemonic Trains - Laura Kerr & Nick Piombino
Full-colour, Perfect-bound Paperback, 210 x 148mm, 60pp
Mnemonic Trains presents a collection of visual poem collages, originally composed by Nick Piombino and digitally transformed by Laura Kerr.
“Mnemonic Trains tracks down the fragments which spur memory; the burrs and scraps which lodge in our mind’s eye as a portrait of thought. Each page, in dancing response, trails down the iron and wood of spurs and lines which lead to the backwoods of thought, where the direction of purpose gives way to the calm glee of discovery and conversation.” — derek beaulieu
“Kerr and Piombino dissolve the borders between optimism and nihilism, memory and illusion, myth and machine in a series of visual poems and collages that feel like a conversation about how we see. This work is vivid and fresh, at times whimsical, at times astonishingly beautiful.” — Alexis Fedorjaczenko
“This is a book about memory, about memorizing. It is a book about poetry & how it enhances art & vice versa. It is a compilation of collages of seemingly jumbled text but replete with mnemonics for assisting learning, aide-mémoires for how to learn, interspersed with Laura Kerr’s images that are often glitch, often echo phrases from the text collages, often resemble the shape of those reassembled text pieces.” — Mark Young